
Colibri is a color management and matching solution like no other, a fully modular software platform for color control, scalable from one site to a global supply chain whilst maintaining strict control and data ownership. The solution allows streamlining of the entire supply process from specification to color matching to QC.


The Colibri® modules are:

  • ColorSpec – for the specification of brand colours and standards
  • ColorMatch – for colour matching and prediction of colour and opacity in different applications and on a variety of substrates
  • ColorQuality – for monitoring, certification and final approval of coloured products
  • ColorTint – for both manual and automatic dispensing of colour recipes in lab, production or at the POS


Colibri® is suitable for single-client and small businesses as well as for large global enterprise installation. Utilising the latest in information technology, it can also be hosted in the cloud or in your own network environment. Take advantage of both our industry expertise and our assistance with:

  • Specification of brand colours
  • Customization of colour standards
  • Colour management for the entire value chain
  • Colour measurement with the associated application support
  • Colour communication tools and services
  • Accelerated creation of quality products
  • Connection with enterprise resource planning tools and other third party software products


  • Management of  brands and designs
  • Mark-up of designs for accurate and consistent colour monitoring
  • Definition, standardization and referencing of shades
  • Store historical data of colour standards
  • Improved communication between brand owners, manufacturers and their suppliers
  • Increased cooperation between supply chain participants
  • Seamless transfer of colour standards, catalogues and substrates to third-party software

Colibri® ColorSpec helps you manage your complete colour pallet, from colour standard specification, to development and digital compliance criteria and ultimately individual supplier review.

Color Plugin
Developed for use with Adobe Illustrator® design software, this Add-on allows creative and prepress designers to connect to the Colibri® central database and select approved brand colours as well as real colour standards based on spectral colour data for use in their artworks. Designers have the option of working offline but need to re-connect to Colibri® to ascertain colour data approval status.

Color Feasibility
Predict colour feasibility and consistency across a variety of technologies, applications and substrates in an early stage of the colour specification. This tool is based on real colorant data, but has been developed with userfriendly templates to simplify the process of colour feasibility right at the start of the development process.

Management of Brands and Designs

Colourfeasibility Check in the design stage


  • User-friendly, intuitive and seamless interface
  • Highly efficient matching of opaque, translucent and transparent colors
  • Recipe calculation on different substrates
  • Vary base material as required, using only one colorant library
  • Simplifies the use of leftover materials, reducing waste and costs
  • Customization of functionality and feature settings to match your application and workflow
  • An integrated “Expert System”, allowing pigment pre-selection according to application requirements to simplify use of parameters such as light fastness or other criterias.
  • One standard recipe to calculate every possible colour recipe combination
  • Automatic database update with every change in colour strength, allowing for colour fluctuations in base materials
  • User management, access rights and permissions management using existing enterprise IT management tools
  • Compatibility with all Konica Minolta as well as the majority of other brand spectrophotometers

Batch Recipe Calculator
Calculates and stores “the best recipe” for specified colour data files or whole colour catalogues using pre-defined matching templates in a predefined order. This Add-on is essential for recipe creation for POS applications.

It also allows users to replace components in master recipes systematically and to check the quality of the updated recipes prior to the final replacement.

3D Color Gamut Viewer
Allows to view colour recipes, catalogues and standard collections in the CIELAB colour space. It displays true colour hulls and colour points and enables users to follow the colour travel of effect pigments, to identify and reduce the number of similar products in a range as well as to spot the gaps in the colour space.

Quality Control
Add-on for Quality Control with similar features as Module Colibri® ColorQuality

Add-on for Dispensing with similar features as Module Colibri® ColorTint

Optical data analysis of a colourant

Result table of a matching process


  • Improved colour communication between management, production and partners
  • Increased cooperation between supply chain participants
  • Fast assessment of the conformity of production to a standard under different illuminants
  • Visual display of limits on screen
  • Availability of the most common pass / fail criteria, including delta E (CIE Lab), CIE 94, CMC, FMC-2 and Hunter Lab
  • Chart mode enables to see at a glance where and how deviations affect the colour
  • Template function allows to optimize the workflow of end users
  • Selection of colour strength methods, help to determine the quality and consistency of production batches
  • Compatibility with multi-angle measurement devices, improves control over the quality of effect shades

3D Color Gamut Viewer
Allows to view colour recipes, catalogues and standard collections in the CIELAB colour space. It displays true colour hulls and colour points and enables to follow the colour travel of effect pigments, to identify and reduce the number of similar products in a range as well as to spot the gaps in the colour space.

3-D display of a choice of colours

Result table and graphical display of a QC Job

Features and benefits of Colibri® ColorTint:

  • Fast access to recipes developed from colour standards and colour catalogues.
  • Accurate recipe transfer to dispensing machines improves quality of production.
  • Simple workflows and automatic communication with your dispensing machine help to reduce time-to-supply.
  • Customization to filling conditions gives you the flexibility to supply to order.
  • Easy connection to large enterprise networks facilitates scale up to production.